
Your name of Canturk has created a practical, patient, scientific nature able to concentrate on the finer details of a project or undertaking. You would function best in settled conditions where you are not called upon to meet and mix too closely with others, but are able to work on your own. This name restricts congenial expression and association, creating much aloneness. You could express your thoughts more easily in writing than in speaking. You seldom experience the peace of mind that comes with composed thinking and emotional control. Health weaknesses could appear in the digestive system, causing constipation and other related problems, or in disorders affecting the heart, lungs, or bronchial organs.

Canturk, the brief analysis of this baby name is not complete. There are many additional factors (nicknames, last name, names and initials in your business signature, and birthdate, etc.) to be considered, or that affect your personality and life. A personalized Name Report™ will give you a comprehensive description of your unique abilities, inner potential, strengths and weaknesses, compatibility in personal and business relationships, career aptitudes, health, and degree of happiness and success.

You can also obtain a FREE verbal analysis by clicking here.

Very Important Note on Selecting a Baby Name !

Please do not choose a baby name based solely on the short analysis given here.
There are many significant factors to consider in selecting baby names.
They must be balanced with both:

It is essential that you understand the qualities of your family name.
Call us at 604-263-9551 before you make a decision on your child's name, or click here.

For further information on the Kabalarian Philosophy™, please contact us at, by phone in Vancouver, BC at 604-263-9551, or by fax at 604-263-5514.

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