The conference talks, Princeton Research Seminar,
Westminster MSc defense, ViceVersa talks, couple of other princeton
projects and some miscallenous non-research stuff.
Micro Talk #1 [Dec 2006]
Micro Talk #2 [Dec 2006]
SRC Student Symposium talk [Oct 2006]
My student poster for SRC meeting [Feb 2006]
HPCA-12 talk & additional slides [14
Feb 2006]
(Again, I was presenting on valentines day:)
IISWC 2005 talk and extras [Oct 2005]
Performance counter workshop talk in HPCA-11
[14 Feb 2005]
Micro-36 talk [Dec 2003]
WWC-6 talk [Oct 2003]
My Princeton research seminar for oral generals
that we take at the end of 2nd year [May 2003]
My MSc defence talk in Westminster in London.
One of the slides is sideways as i had to use transparancies.
[Nov 2002]
2nd ViceVersa talk with phase analysis focus.
Also has some notes for our unfinished work on virtual memory
power management experiments. [Apr 2005]
1st Viceversa talk, when i was doing power
& thermal estimation and was thinking about phase analysis
on real systems [Jul 2003]
Our predicated superscalar design project
with Zhenghong in our computer architecture project. [2002]
My MacroNET, a lighweight node architecture
for deformable platforms (like a foldable interactive map),
project with Professor Peh for Interconnection networks course.
Presentation for hardware architecture for
interconnection networks course [2003]
Our quorum sensing project with Hide for cellular
and biochemical computing course. [2002]
Our neural nets and computation presentation
with Hide. The odour matching problem in this still resembles
a lot to the phase characterization problem in applications.
Similar to evaluating the similarity between BBV or PMC vectors.
I never explored this though. [2002]
Presenation for the paper "Complexity
Effective Superscalar Processors", by Palacharla, Jouppi
& Smith (ISCA'97) in advanced computer architecture course.