I have been a teaching assistant (assistant in instruction to be
princetonian) for the following courses during my stay in Princeton:
ELE101 Computing for a Mobile World, by Prof Margaret
Martonosi (Spring 2004)
An introductory class, covering the fundamentals of programming
and computer systems with a specific focus on aspects of computing
for mobile and handheld computers. Designed and supervised bi-weekly
precept sessions. Helped prepare and grade homework assignments,
graded exams and conducted office hours. Prepared, supervised and
graded individual term projects.
ELE375 Computing Structures, by Prof Margaret
Martonosi (Fall 2002)
A course on how computers work and effective principles for computer
systems design, where the final term project culminates in building
a working computer on an FPGA. Helped prepare and grade homework
assignments, graded exams and conducted office hours and precept
sessions. Supervised and graded individual term projects.